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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

5 women's habits that annoy even loving husbands

      The main "destroyers" of family happiness are habits. Our habitual, routine actions. ❗ They may be logical and even comfortable for us, but repulsive for our loved ones.

Here are 5 women's habits that most often irritate their husbands, destroy relationships and make them unhappy:

Criticism of most of his actions

The wife tells him how to make money, where and what to put, how to eat, sleep, wash, walk, drive, etc. She tries to make him comfortable, adjusts him "to herself". At the same time she wants to elevate herself above the man, because she knows how to do it, and he, unreasonable, is not aware of it.

The effect of the criticism, of course, is there.👉 3 main variants of developments:

  1. The man tries to explain to his wife that he has long been an adult and that he should not be told what to do. If she doesn't understand, she begins to distance herself. The relationship inevitably spoils.
  2. The man reacts sharply, sometimes even aggressively. Fights break out. The relationship is bursting at the seams again.
  3. The man does not defend his boundaries, submits to the requirements of his wife. In other words, turns into a "sissy".

❓ Which would you prefer? You have to agree, all of them are failures. Because criticism has never been able to change anyone for the better. Let's look at a more effective way (and there is one!) Next.👇

Lack of gratitude

"Why? Buying milk (taking the kid home from kindergarten, fixing the iron). I do a lot of things too, no one will thank me. Why not start with yourself? Thank you once, another time - most likely, the man will respond to you in the same way. And you will both be happier.

🔥 A woman's gratitude pushes a man to improve himself, he tries to become a better man. This is also true for women, but gratitude is more important for men. Without it he doesn't feel valuable and important in a couple - and this is a basic need for him.

So let's replace criticism with gratitude and praise. This is sensible, pleasant and really effective (also for changing the habits and behavior of the partner). And, by the way, gratitude is great for the next problem in a relationship.👇

The husband is not the wife's priority

For her, the kids are the priority. Then mom (other relatives) or girlfriends. The third place can get a cat (this is not a joke, but a real story). There is also a job, beauty salons, hobbies. The husband is in last place or so. Although the wife may treat him well. No worse than a cat, for example.

⛔ Being in last place is hurtful and humiliating. 👉 The man either resists (again - conflicts!), or "softens up" and shrugs off male responsibility, or runs away altogether. Who's better off from this?

Manipulation of intimacy

The woman thinks that this way she gets what she wants and her husband will meet her demands. In fact, this manipulation is the first step towards separation or infidelity. The second is to seek pleasurable sensations on the side. ❌ This is how wives push their husbands into the arms of others.

To be fair: women often refuse intimacy, not wanting to manipulate, but to express their resentment. Maybe he will come to his senses, correct himself. Ask for forgiveness. Will not behave that way. But that's a mistake! He'll see rejection as pressure. It will repel the man rather than make him want to apologize.

In addition, he is unlikely to understand the real reason for the rejection. Men, in most cases, have no idea what they are doing to offend a woman.

Implicit grudges

Pouty lips, tears, games of "silence" can piss off even a very patient man. Especially if he does not understand what his fault is.

The woman thinks that her husband should guess what she was offended by. For her, it's obvious. But to him it's an unsolvable riddle.

🔥 So staying silent, crying, giving an ultimatum about intimacy, etc. - is ineffective. It will only alienate you from each other. It is wiser to discuss the reason for the resentment and find a solution or compromise.

❗ At least half of family quarrels could be avoided if you talk openly to each other about your requests, intentions, desires, and affairs. And about grudges, of course. The main thing is to speak frankly, simply, without veils and subtexts. Trying not to accuse, but to communicate your feelings: "I felt hurt when...", "I felt anger because...", "I feel unpleasant that...".

✅ A voiced hurt on which a mutual decision has been made in the couple improves understanding and even brings them closer together. Hidden - alienates. The choice, as always, is yours.


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