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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

17 psychological facts about long-distance relationships


    Are you currently in a long-distance relationship? Or are you just curious about some facts about long-distance relationships (some of which will surprise you very much)? Given the advances of the modern world in social technology, these long-distance relationships have become very common.

Even if your significant other lives far away, that doesn't mean you have to break up. In fact, there are some positive aspects of a long-distance relationship.

Here are 17 interesting facts about relationships between couples separated by many miles:

    1. Long-distance relationships can be successful

While many people may think that long distance relationships will never be as happy as a "normal" relationship, this is not true. Research confirms that the chances of a successful long-distance relationship are the same as they are for a relationship in which couples are side by side.

Distance is just one factor in a relationship, and there are many other aspects that contribute to the success or failure of any relationship.

    2. Long-distance relationships can improve communication as a couple

Studies of long-distance relationships have shown that people in long-distance relationships have better communication skills. Both men and women in such relationships were more likely to share intimate and important thoughts with each other, leading to trust and a sense of intimacy.

    3. it was easier for women to adjust to distance than for men

A study of sex differences in long-distance relationships found that women tended to adjust better to physical separation than men. The study also found that separation had a more negative effect on men. It increased their distress.

    4. Happiness levels between couples don't change because of distance

A 2014 study proved that geographic distance is not a burden on people, and the level of happiness between lovers does not change.

    5. In long-distance relationships, couples idealize their partners

When people don't see their partner for a long time, they tend to idealize them. This is because people tend to think only about the good qualities of their loved one while at a distance and forget about their shortcomings.

    6. People in a long-distance relationship are more likely to believe that their relationship will last

According to a University of Denver study, long-distance couples are more likely to think their relationship will last. Couples tend to make plans for the future when they are separated by distance. It gives them more hope that their relationship will never end.

    7. Long-distance relationships are easier when they are temporary

Long-distance couples feel more fulfilled and less stressed when they know that their separation from each other is temporary. The idea that you will eventually be reunited with your partner in the near future makes distance more bearable.

    8. The likelihood of success in a long-distance relationship is almost 60%.

A 2018 study of long-distance relationships found that about 58% of these types of relationships last long enough to grow into marriage.

    9. 1/3 of long-distance relationships end within 3 months of people moving in together

About 37% of long-distance couples break up within three months of moving in together. While many couples distance makes their relationship more stable.

    10. A small percentage of couples are in a long-distance relationship

Only about 2.9 percent of married couples were separated by long distances. Work and military service were the two main reasons couples found themselves long-distance from each other.

    11. Many people say long-distance relationships have made them feel closer to their partner

About 55% of adults say they experience a deeper connection with their partner when they are in a long-distance relationship. This may be due to the fact that they miss each other more.

    12. Lack of physical intimacy is one of the biggest obstacles to a long-distance relationship

The inability to be physically intimate with your partner is one of the biggest obstacles that arise from a long distance relationship. Physical intimacy is at the core of any romantic relationship, and long-distance relationships are no exception.

    13. the amorous phase lasts longer in a long-distance relationship

Although the candy-boob phase eventually ends for all couples, it takes longer for partners in a long-distance relationship. This is because when you don't see each other as often, the newness tends to last longer.

    14. Social media has made life easier for people in relationships.

Social media and advances in technology have made it much easier for long-distance couples to communicate. Video chats, in particular, help them keep in close touch with their partner because you can see them as often as you want.

However, social media can also create problems. It can increase jealousy between couples and lead to unhealthy comparisons of your relationship to other relationships.

    15. Couples in long-distance relationships send hundreds of text messages a week.

Studies say the average person in a long-distance relationship sends about 343 text messages a week.

    16. Couples in a long-distance relationship are just as prone to cheating as nearby couples

Couples in long-distance relationships tend to be more worried about their partner cheating on them. But studies show that the number of men and women who cheat in a long-distance relationship is no higher than in couples who live close by.

The rate of infidelity in a relationship is about 22%.

    17. In a long-distance relationship, people have great opportunities for growth

A long-distance relationship can force you to change. You have to adapt to the change by changing yourself.

If you are in a long-distance relationship now, remember, these facts should not scare you. Instead, they should serve as your source of inspiration in dealing with the daily challenges of your relationship. Never forget that someone else's relationship will always be different from yours. It is only in your power to make your relationship harmonious and happy.


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