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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

5 traits of a greedy person that will give him away

      It's true what they say - man is a social creature. We cannot live without other people, without communication, without new information.

Communication is an exchange of experience for growth and a reason for envy. If the interaction with other people was only beneficial, probably the profession of psychologist would not exist.

What harm does the environment do?

Looking around, involuntarily we begin to compare ourselves with others, begin to want more for ourselves, and then become indignant - why has a neighbor, and I do not?

For some, envy is the motivation to follow their dreams: "if they succeeded, then I have a chance! But for others, it is an excuse to drown in their own pity and a desire, at all costs, to keep up with that very neighbor.

If you have noticed this for yourself or for your loved ones, then you are familiar with such a disease as Greed.

Psychologists divide greed into two types: acquired and nurtured.

    1) Jealousy of a neighbor's new car, when you do not have enough money for food generates acquired greed.

We begin to compare ourselves with another person, then we feel defective against his background, and decide, no matter what, to get the same or better car! Such a greedy person begins to save all the money he earns to buy a thing, after the purchase of which he will supposedly feel better.

Distinctive traits:

- Excessive stinginess

- Refusal to have fun, buy new clothes, tasty food and other elements of a rich life

- social stiffness and loneliness

- Arrogance, looking down on oneself (comes after you have reached your goal)

- Withholding help from loved ones and refusing to buy gifts

The aim of a greedy person is hoarding, and the main fear is to spend money on anything but the goal

Sometimes, hoarding itself becomes the goal. This kind of greed is inherent in rich and successful people, for whom the amount of money is a measure of success.

    2) Nurtured greed is a severe psychological illness acquired in childhood.

In short, fear for the future, brought up by parents from infancy. It is especially inherent in children from poor families.

The hallmarks of such greedy children are:

- a self-serving, self-preserving...

- Hoarding or excessive hoarding

- Demanding overconfident attention from people

- Getting the most out of a situation or person

- interest in everything that is free (promotions, discounts, bonuses)

The goal is to accumulate for a "rainy day. The main fear is to lose what you have accumulated.

In addition to psychology, external characteristics also give a greedy person:

1. Rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating.

2. A tense face.

3. Stiff movements, detachment from people, loneliness

4. Arrogant stare.

5. Pedantry

How do you treat greed? Gifts and consideration for others. And, if you notice in yourself the traits of Greed, urgently make pleasing to the other person.

And so step by step, you will begin to get the pleasure of his smile and gratitude.


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