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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

7 Common Manipulative Phrases You Can't Believe

      Manipulators are true professionals. They are very skillful in directing you in the direction they want. What are the phrases of manipulators to watch out for?

1. "You're a ...!"

Exclamations such as "you're a mother," "you're a girl," "you're a doctor" - this is pure manipulation.

The main purpose of this exclamation is to pressure your conscience, not to emphasize your characteristics.

You are reminded that you are "somebody," therefore you "should" or, conversely, are not entitled to something. For example, you're a mother, you can't get tired of your own child.

2. "Trust me!"

As a rule, this phrase is commonly seen as a step towards each other. It is supposed to bring them closer, to erase some boundaries. So it is in fact.

Except that the words do not always hide a worthy motivation. The manipulator can simply "rub" in trust in this way.

3. "If you, I..."

Direct ultimatums based on the assertion that the person is bound to give some kind of "response" to your actions are most often a bluff.

Especially when it comes to harming your own health. If someone says they will "go out the window" if you break up, that's just manipulation.

As sad as it is, those who are willing to take decisive action - "go out" in silence.

4. "I care about you!"

Manipulators only care about themselves - that's a fact. And the phrase aims to make you relax a little. Really, what kind of defensive posture is that, when the person is looking out for your good?

As soon as you stop accepting the manipulator in the bayonet - half of his task is considered accomplished.

5. "You're so cool!"

Learn to distinguish between flattery and sincere compliments, and remember that even sincere praise is a bit of flattery. And flattery is the main weapon of the "good" manipulator.

The thing is that when we are praised, we blossom, we become grateful to the person, we relax and no longer expect a trick from him, and willingly agree to help him with something.

6. "You're drunk/in love/jealous of me!"

Another manipulator tactic is labeling. They try to "explain" your behavior, thereby imposing that behavior on you.

7. "You've got it all wrong!"

When you are constantly told that you do not understand, incomprehensible talk, and in general - a person you are strange, want it or not, but you wonder if everything is wrong with you and your head.

In psychology, this technique is called gaslighting.


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