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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

3 compliments to a woman to make her melt

      Saying compliments is an art that has to be learned. Some men are so afraid of "giving out" something wrong that they prefer not to say anything at all. I will tell you which compliments women really do not like, and which will help to attract attention and please.

Examples of bad compliments

Have you ever noticed how a woman changes when she is told nice words? She literally glows with happiness. Unfortunately, a compliment can not only please, but also upset. I'll share with you examples of improper praise.

1. "You look so beautiful today."

A questionable compliment. The girl may think that she is not usually admired.

2. "That dress slims you down."

I'm sure a woman's mind will immediately flash the thought: aha, so the other dresses make me look fat.

3. "This hairstyle suits you better than the previous one. Cut your hair like that all the time."

Sounds like an order, not a praise. A girl would hate to hear such instructions.

Words that will make any woman melt

"You look beautiful", "Nice dress" - hackneyed compliments that will not make the woman you like pay attention to you. How to express your admiration for a girl in an unusual way? I will tell you three options for interesting compliments.

1. "I'm crazy about your smile."

When you say exactly how you feel about her smile, not just that you have a great smile. This compliment makes the woman believe that she is special to you. Such nice words are sure to please her.

2. "I like your voice."

Emphasize that you are attracted to a woman's voice. Of course, if it really pleases you. There is no need to give an insincere compliment. You will notice how the woman will melt in front of your eyes, because the voice is an important weapon of any girl.

3. "This scent makes me drunk."

Every woman has her own unique scent. Even the same perfume on different girls reveals itself individually. Some men are able to recognize their beloved by one scent without seeing her. If you emphasize that you adore a woman's scent, she will notice your special attitude towards her.


  1. Too bad "men" need to be trained in how to show emotion and love for the woman that makes them melt. Men being afraid of emotions is not very manly. Good thing someone takes the time to put out kind words to correct what society taught men; be tough, strong, provide, but no emotion...


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