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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

5 ways for any man to develop emotional resilience and become truly unstoppable

 What is emotional resilience?

It is an optimistic and productive state of mind that allows you to accept (almost) any adversity in life with equanimity, calmness, and helps you keep moving forward.

Emotionally resilient people are less likely to dwell on problems and feel like failures. At the same time, they are more likely to recognize that even negative episodes are part of their lives.

You can't control whether or not life challenges you.

But you can control how you respond to those challenges.

That is the emotional resilience that every man needs to develop in order to become unstoppable.

There are simple things you can do regularly to increase your emotional resilience.

And here are five of those things:

1. Learn to take a bird's-eye view of life.

In difficult moments, you need to be able to zoom out on adversity and look at the big picture.

It's like a bird's eye view.

There are nearly 8 billion people in our world. Some of these 8 billion people lose their job every second, right in the present, some break a leg, get a ticket, get into an accident, lose loved ones, or die.

Do you see the big picture?

Each of us faces hardships, setbacks, or tragedies all the time. Some with more, some with less.

But like wealth, failure is relative.

By and large, unless you or someone you know dies, goes to the hospital, or becomes disabled, keep repeating to yourself that there is someone in the world right now in a much worse position than you.

This truth alone is enough to spur you to take positive action, get your emotions under control, and deal with most of your negative thoughts.

2. Avoid self-injury.

Very often, instead of letting go of failure and moving on with the positive attitude that things are bound to get better, many people often get into a game of self-blaming.

They stop moving forward and start looking back. They begin to wonder why this or that negative event happened. What could they have done differently that would have led to a different outcome?

Then each of these people begin to ask themselves questions on a more personal level: Am I not good enough? Don't I deserve good things? Am I always doomed to fail? Why is my life all bad luck?

It's very easy to succumb to self-blame in moments of weakness and frustration, but learn to get rid of self-blame. If you find yourself in a state of self-blame, you must take immediate steps to get yourself out of that state.

If you keep thinking about what you could have done differently and some misfortune would not have happened, you just keep pouring salt on the wound.

You start to hurt yourself even more.

But you can't bring the past back.

In essence, you are making the negative event that has already happened a lot bigger than it actually is. You allow bad luck to dictate your present situation and, ultimately, your future.

Don't give in to the past. Turn over a leaf and start writing a new chapter in the book of your life.

3. Always believe in yourself.

What causes people to snap in the face of adversity or turn into a sobbing mess? So it's clinging to such thoughts as: "I can't handle it," "I'm not good for anything," etc.

A fundamental belief that you are capable and valuable will get you through life's many challenges.

A sincere belief that you CAN, that you matter, and your life itself matters, brings that extraordinary feeling in your head that you have to figure out how to stay on your feet in this world and thrive in it.

Believing in yourself and your strength creates the inner drive and determination to do whatever it takes to prove to yourself that you can rise, succeed, and get through any adversity.

Developing self-confidence is one of the most important components of any man's emotional stability.

4. Always try to keep a positive mindset.

Positive thinking is the ability to see the positive aspects in everything. It allows you to remember the inner beauty and gift of life, even when faced with its ugliest aspects.

There is a lot of negativity in this world.

Especially a lot of negativity is in the world's news that is fed to us every day from the TV screens. There is also a lot of negativity coming from horribly limited, disrespectful chatter and gossip on social media.

Get in the habit of avoiding negativity, dwelling on it, and even more so drowning in tons of meaningless comments from other people. Better yet, just stop reading comments under bad news.

Start focusing on the truth and what really matters, namely your health, the people you care about, success and happiness.

If your personal goals are more global, when dealing with negative news, don't forget to tell yourself that even through the darkest of days, sooner or later there will be rays of sunshine.

5. Always hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

According to the famous ancient Roman Stoic Seneca, every man must prepare for hard times, even when he is enjoying a favorable time.

It is important to have a positive outlook on life, because if you only look at the negative aspects of it, you can easily become depressed and apathetic, choosing to do nothing at all to improve things and end up existing instead of truly living.

However, if you never think about the bad things that can happen, what can happen is that they will catch up with you unexpectedly and blind you.

If you don't prepare for the fact that you might, for example, get sick and get injured and then you won't have money to buy something to eat or if you suddenly get fired from your job / if you get stuck somewhere along the road, if you suddenly get a flat tire because you don't have a spare tire, etc.

All of these negative situations can happen if you don't prepare for the worst and only hope for the best.

Always try to take into account the possibility of the worst possible outcome of a situation, think about the bad things that can happen and try to prepare for them. For example, accumulate capital to help you get by for a few months before taking out any loans (taking into account the negative thought of losing your means of income), etc.

Once you've done your best to prepare for most of the negative scenarios that will help you survive, stop thinking about it and hope for the best and focus on the good.


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