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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

What is intuition and is it worth trusting?


    Surely everyone has felt that moment when the "sixth sense" tells you to do something, or something on the contrary should not be done?

Can we trust intuition, and what do scientists say about this feeling?

Acting on intuition

To do as the inner voice tells you is to make decisions that are unusual and not logical. Decisions that are not thought out, but which come from within you, even though they contradict some of your beliefs.

For example, when you cancel a trip at the last moment because of an anxiety. Or when you buy a lottery ticket. Or when you turn down a deal that seems outwardly profitable.

There are hundreds of examples.

And more often than not, when a person is asked to explain why he did what he did, there is no explanation. Everything is simply written off to intuition, an inner voice that literally commanded him to do so.

In terms of science

Scientists for many years dismissed the existence of intuition as such. It was beyond the scope of the five senses designated in science, so it was never seriously considered.

But later, many scientific studies confirmed that the human mind is really able to run a little ahead and "see" what awaits us in the future.

But, of course, we are not talking about "providence", but rather a subconscious search of similar situations encountered by the brain. This happens all the time, precisely at the subconscious level. Therefore, we seem not to be sure, but "something tells us"...

Is it worth believing?

Alas, our sixth sense is not always able to give us valuable advice. Sometimes we don't really feel anything, and we pass it off as wishful thinking.

For example, when we go to apply for a job, and after a conversation with the boss, we feel that this is definitely our place, and everything will be fine. And in fact, later, we just do not call back. But how, after all, our intuition told us?

In fact, our intuition was silent at this point, we just really wanted the job, so we thought that we would be taken. We just took the polite tone of the person who was talking to us as a show of sympathy.

It happens that way, too.

Is it even worth trusting your inner voice then?

Absolutely, if you can abstract away from your feelings, your own fears, your own emotions. If you learn to distinguish the intuitive signals of your own brain from contrived "signals".


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