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9 Everyday Tips for an Easy Healthy Lifestyle

    A healthy lifestyle is not about showing off your breakfast and abs in pictures. It can consist of small daily actions, simple and habitual. If performed consistently for a long time, they can lead to changes in both lifestyle and well-being. Today, let's try to answer the question: how to lead a healthy lifestyle with self-care? 1. A Glass of Water in the Morning As soon as you wake up, drink a glass of water, it will help start digestion, improve skin health and give you strength. You can add lemon juice to wake up faster ;) 2. Stairs instead of the elevator No need to buy a gym membership and choose a nice shape - daily stair climbing strengthens and tones your leg and trunk muscles. A simple way to add sports to your life. 3. Veggie half plate A simple tip for healthy eating is to make an agreement with yourself that each meal should consist of half vegetables. They contain essential vitamins and minerals. They're also rich in fiber, help with digestion, and keep you ...

Why does time pass more quickly with age?

     Why does our sense of the transience of time increase as we grow older? And is it really so?

There are several prerequisites for the phenomenon of the acceleration of time. It manifests itself differently in each person, or not at all, depending on the way of life.

We are talking about the following reasons:

1. We are becoming wiser and more experienced over the years

There are fewer and fewer discoveries in our lives, consequently our brain spends less time "processing information.

Memories don't seem as vivid to us anymore, so memories of time segments are times shorter.

2. Actually, our brain is just learning to organize memories

When time actually runs long and monotonous, it is not "recorded" in memories as tedious and long memories. That's why, as time passes, it seems to us that time flew by quickly.

The more interesting it was, the more memories, the brighter they are, the weightier the memories will be.

3. Our biological clock is going off

Scientific fact: If you ask a person to concentrate and count exactly 60 seconds, people "in years" will do it slower. That is, their biological minute will be equal to more seconds than there actually are in a minute.

This is due to the production of dopamine in the human body, which decreases over time. The internal clock slows down, making the world seem to "run" faster than it actually is.

4. There is also a theory about the proportionality effect

When we are young, when we are 5 or 15 years old for example, a year is quite a lot for us. As a percentage of our life, a year is a long enough period of time.

And when a person is 60? Or 70?

For him, a year is one sixtieth, one seventieth of his life. It is because of this phenomenon that the year seems to "get shorter.

5. Our life is accelerating thanks to scientific and technological progress

In the childhood of those who are now in their thirties, there was no Internet. They wrote letters by hand and sent them by mail.

And the answer waited for weeks and months, depending on the remoteness of the addressee, the diligence of postal workers and the person to whom the letter was written. Today, life is faster for all of us, because the message is delivered instantly, and we get an answer almost immediately.

Many other benefits of civilization contribute as well. It is they that speed up our lives in some way.


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